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Overview of the PSSA, Human Rights, and International Humanitarian Law (IHL)
1.0. Overview of the PSSA
1.01. Introduction
1.02. Overview of the PSSA
1.03. What are ‘private security services’ under the PSSA?
1.04. Activities constituting ‘services in connection with private security services’ under the PSSA
1.05. International humanitarian law (IHL) and international human rights law (IHRL) prohibitions under the PSSA
1.06. Part 2 International humanitarian law (IHL) and international human rights law (IHRL) prohibitions under the PSSA
1.07. Obligations of Private Security Service Providers under the PSSA
1.08. Activities subjected to thorough review
1.09. Activities prohibited in full or part
1.10. Penalties
1.11. Part 2 Penalties
1.12. Opportunities for private security service providers
1.13. Summary
1.14. Evaluation
1.15. Resources
1.16. End of part 1
2.0. Human Rights
2.01. Human Rights
2.02. The concept of human rights
2.03. Prohibition of human rights violations and international crimes
2.04. Part 2 of Prohibition of human rights violations and international crimes
2.05. Prohibition of human trafficking, sexual exploitation,sexual abuse and gender-based violence
2.06. Avoidance of violations of major labour laws
2.07. Parameters of the use of force (provision of security services)
2.08. Avoidance of use force and precaution against harmful effects on bystanders
2.09. Decision-making in respect of use of force
2.10. Part 2 of Decision-making in respect of use of force
2.11. Use of apprehension/detention
2.12. Respect for dignity & humane treatment of detainees and vulnerable groups
2.13. Reporting requirements for violations of the law
2.14. Individual identification & promotion of accountability
2.15 Summary
2.16. Evaluation
2.17. Resources
2.18. End of part 2
3.0. International Humanitarian Law
3.01. International Humanitarian Law
3.02. International humanitarian Law (IHL) scope
3.03. What is armed conflict?
3.04. International armed conflict (IAC)
3.05. Part 2 of International armed conflict (IAC)
3.06. Part 3 of International armed conflict (IAC)
3.07. Part 4 of International armed conflict (IAC)
3.08. Part 5 of International armed conflict (IAC)
3.09. Examples of international armed conflicts (IACS) in the world
3.10. Non-international armed conflict
3.11. Part 2 Non-international armed conflict
3.12. Part 3 of Non-international armed conflict
3.13. Part 4 of Non-international armed conflict
3.14. Non-international armed conflict (NIAC) - Conditions
3.15. International humanitarian law (IHL)
3.16. Purpose of international humanitarian law (IHL)
3.17. Protection of civilians and civilian objects (principle of distinction)
3.18. Prohibition of violations of international humanitarian law (IHL)
3.19. Examples of IHL violations
3.20. Definition of ‘civilian’ in armed conflict
3.21. Concept of direct participation in hostilities (DPH)
3.22. Potential risks
3.23. Loss of civilian protection
3.24. Key principles of international humanitarian law (IHL)
3.25. Part 2 of Key principles of international humanitarian law (IHL)
3.26. Summary
3.27. Evaluation
3.28. Resources
3.29. End of part 3
4.0. Interplay between IHL & Human Rights
4.01. Interplay between IHL & Human Rights
4.02. International humanitarian law (IHL) and human rights law
4.03. Complementarity of international humanitarian law (IHL) and human rights law
4.04. Part 2 of Complementarity of international humanitarian law (IHL) and human rights law
4.05. Non-derogable human rights
4.06. Did you know?
4.07. Non-derogability of international humanitarian law (IHL)
4.08. Summary
4.09. Evaluation
4.10. Resources
4.11. End of Module 1
4.12. Feedback
3.26. Summary
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